Nelligan O’Brien Payne, in collaboration with Collins Barrow Ottawa and RBC Royal Bank, will be hosting our seventh annual Not-for-Profit Sector LAB (Legal, Accounting, Banking) Update. This event will be held on Thursday, November 27, 2014, at the Centurion Conference Centre, located at 170 Colonnade Road from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
The LAB Update is designed to provide you with comprehensive information on the recent changes and issues affecting Not-for-Profit Organizations. Come meet our experts as they explore all things not-for-profit, including social enterprises; social finance; Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL); 2014 tax alert; 2014 legal update; cash management services overview; audit preparation; and employee savings/loyalty programs.
The registration fee is $75.00 plus HST ($84.75), and includes breakfast and buffet lunch. You can register online at, or by downloading our registration form and agenda.
We want to hear from you! For live updates on Twitter and to get involved in the discussion, use #NFPLAB2014.